Ride Update – We are back in the US of A!

Ride Update – We are back in the US of A!

A great recap from Chuck Judy of this weekend.  Like he says below- give us some extra thought and prayer today.  We have some tough climbs and warm weather.  Should get some added energy by picking up a few extra riders in Geneva.  At 622 miles in, they surpassed the...
Days 4 and 5 “It all blends together”

Days 4 and 5 “It all blends together”

Well, it doesn’t really blend, but with this many miles on the road you just simply put your head down and pedal, but it has been a fun and challenging last couple days filled with some stops that we will never forget.  We have a great team, and really enjoy...
Ride Day 3 “Hills, Wind, Hills – Tracks!”

Ride Day 3 “Hills, Wind, Hills – Tracks!”

Todays ride recap is from Chuck Judy.  Chuck is among the amazing team that is taking this ride, and making the most of their experience.  Yesterday was a challenging one, and we will see what today brings. From Chuck: Hills, Wind and Hills and, wait watch out for...
Ride Day 2 “Thunder and Pay It Forward”

Ride Day 2 “Thunder and Pay It Forward”

Day 2 ride recap from Matt Schueler is included below.  Looks like things are going well!  Remember, if you would like to donate to support this ride, you can simply click here.  Have a great day! Here you go: Ride day two kicked off with a bang.  The team was in good...
Day 1 “In The Books”

Day 1 “In The Books”

A ride recap from day one from Matt Schueler and team. All was successful, with a couple hiccups, much like any planned event.  The team is currently on the road for day two, and we will get you an update as we progress through the week. Here is the update: Day1 in...